Sunday, November 28, 2010

Wish List

 My Mum always says to me "your always on the want" and its true, I am. Since Christmas is only a short while away I thought I would share with you come of the things that are on my wish list...

 Minnetonka Moccasins

What better career to have then traveling and taking photos along the way and getting paid for it, I know its not quiet that simple but it still sounds like my dream career!! 

I have to admit its Rumi Neely that's the culprit for this one being on my wish list. Ive always loved wearing hats, but when she wears hats they look amazing. 

Mimco Bag... Ok so I have to admit there is a couple of styles on my list. They are one of my favourite Australian accssessory brands, and the recently opened a store in Auckland!
Karen Walker Super Fine Skull Necklace
 Mac Book Pro


Monday, November 22, 2010

Taste of Auckland

Ive been back from Thailand now for almost 2 weeks, and since then have been focusing all my attentions on Uni work, as the year is coming to an end (this is why there hasn't been posting for a while). But this weekend I treated myself to a fun day with friends at the Taste of Auckland festival. Although it wasn't amazing weather for a day outdoors it was still a fun day full of food sampling and a bit of wine tasting and paint-by-number!

Thailand photos coming soon!!!